Authentication Hochschulstart (only for DoSV applications)
Applicant ID (BID): You will only receive this once you have registered on Hochschulstart. The application cannot be submitted without a BID.
Applicant authentication number (BAN): You will only receive this after you have registered on Hochschulstart. The application cannot be submitted without a BID.
Personal information
Please check that your data is correct. If changes are necessary, you can make them yourself in your profile on Hochschulstart.
University entrance qualifiation
Form of the study programme
Please indicate which type of study programme you would like to apply for.
A distinction is made between the following forms:
First degree programme: All first-year students and continuing students who have not yet successfully completed a university/university of applied sciences degree programme in Germany (i.e. with a degree).
Second degree programme: All applicants* who have already successfully completed a degree programme at universities/universities of applied sciences (i.e. with a degree) in Germany.
Letter of motivation: If you are applying for a second degree programme, you are obliged to upload the letter of motivation as justification, according to BerlHZVO §11 paragraph 2.
University entrance qualifiation
Type of university entrance qualification: Please select your eligibility to study in Germany here.
General and specialised higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Gymnasium, Abitur): All applicants who have obtained their Abitur in Germany, with the exception of German schools abroad.
Attention! Applicants who have obtained their university entrance qualifiation in parts (leaving certificate + internship certificate/vocational training), enter the date of recognition by the respective authority, e.g. Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.
Subject-specific restricted higher education qualification: All applicants who have obtained their Abitur in Germany. Please note that there must be an economic specialisation.
Overview: Subject affiliations depending on degree programme (please expand)
University of Applied Sciences
Department 1: Business and Economics
Business Administration Full-time / Part-time
International Business Administration Exchange
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Succession
Business Information Systems
Business Law
Department 3: Public Administration
Public Administration
G, W
Public und Nonprofit-Management
Law and Public Administration
Public Administration Informatics
W, T
Department 4: Legal Studies
Company Law
Department 5: Police and Security Management
Security Management
G, W
G = Humanities, SW = Social sciences, T = Technology, TI = Technology/Engineering W/WW = Economics
Professionally qualified (according to §11, study without Abitur): All applicants who do not have an Abitur but fulfil the conditions of BerlHG §11.
University entrance qualification abroad: All applicants with a foreign school-leaving qualification, including a German school abroad.
Type of HZB: Please select the type of your school leaving certificate
aHR – general higher education entrance qualification
FHR – entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences
Attention! All applicants who have obtained their university entrance qualification abroad (not at a German school abroad) or who have passed an assessment test at a preparatory college must submit their application via uni-assist.
Preparatory course determination test: Please note that the subject-specific binding of the assessment test must fulfil the requirements for the respective degree programme.
Overview: Preparatory courses depending on the degree programme (please expand)
University of Applied Sciences
Department 1: Business and Economics
Business Administration Full-time / Part-time
International Business Administration Exchange
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Succession
Business Information Systems
Business Law
Department 3: Public Administration
Public Administration
G, W
Public und Nonprofit-Management
Law and Public Administration
Public Administration Informatics
W, T
Department 4: Legal Studies
Company Law
Department 5: Police and Security Management
Security Management
G, W
G = Humanities, SW = Social sciences, T = Technology, TI = Technology/Engineering W/WW = Economics
Exception: Applicants with a foreign school-leaving qualification AND a Bachelor’s degree from a German university or a university in a member state of the European Union or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (first degree).
Federal state of acquisition: Please select the federal state in which you obtained your school-leaving qualification. For a foreign school-leaving qualification, select “Abroad”.
Country of acquisition: Please select the country in which you obtained your school-leaving qualification.
Date of acquisition: please enter the date on which you obtained your school-leaving qualification
Final grade of the university entrance qualifiation
Average grade: Please enter your final average grade (overall grade) here. Permissible values: 0.7 to 4.0.
Points achieved: In this field you can enter the number of points you have achieved with your university entrance qualification. This may be noted on your school leaving certificate. If you are unable to provide this information (often in the case of vocational diploma), leave the field blank.
Maximum achievable score: In this field, you can enter the maximum number of points you could achieve with your higher education entrance qualification. This may be noted on your school leaving certificate. If you are unable to provide this information (often in the case of vocational diploma), leave the field blank.
Proof: Please upload ALL pages (incl. cover page, back page) of your university entrance qualification as ONE PDF file. Incomplete documents may lead to exclusion from the procedure.
Subject grades
Please note that this section may vary depending on the degree programme. Not all information is requested for every degree programme.
Mathematics grade: Please enter the grade from the last semester here (NOT the examination grade). If your school does not issue half-year reports, you can enter the examination grade as an exception.
Grade in German: Please enter the grade from the last semester here (NOT the examination grade). If your school does not issue half-year reports, you can enter the examination grade as an exception.
Grade English: Please enter the grade from the last semester here (NOT the examination grade). If your school does not issue half-year reports, you can enter the examination grade as an exception. If you have had no English lessons, enter 3.5 here.
Vocational training
Applicants who have completed vocational training in addition to their university entrance qualification can claim this in the selection process.
If you have completed vocational training: If you select “No”, you can proceed to the next section. If you select “Yes”, the following fields must be completed.
Job title: Please enter your job title here according to your examination certificate.
Date of vocational training: According to §14 paragraph 4 of the Berlin University Admission Regulations, you can receive additional waiting semesters if you have obtained a vocational qualification outside the university and the university entrance qualification was obtained at least before 16 July 2007.
Examination grade of the vocational training programme (included in the selection procedure): please enter the grade.
Vocational training examination certificate: Please upload ALL pages (incl. cover page, back page) of your vocational training certificate as ONE PDFfile. Incomplete documents may not be considered.
Study without A-levels
Job title: Please enter your job title here according to your examination certificate.
Examination grade of the vocational training programme: Please enter the grade of the relevant vocational training programme. This is the final grade of the IHK certificate, which is usually given in absolute terms (“very good”=1.0 ; “good”=2.0 ; “satisfactory”=3.0 ; “sufficient”=3.5 and below).
Examination certificate for vocational training: Please upload ALL pages (incl. cover page, back page) of your vocational training certificate as ONE PDF file. Incomplete documents may lead to exclusion from the procedure.
Special applications
If you have performed military or civilian service in accordance with Art. 12a of the German Basic Law or if you have performed temporary service for up to 3 years due to an obligation, you can claim this in the selection procedure
If you would like to apply for your service to be taken into account: If you select “Yes”, you must upload full proof in the field below.
Preferential admission
If you have already received a place at the HWR Berlin in the last or penultimate admission procedure for the degree programme you applied for and were unable to take up this place, you can apply for preferential admission. Preferential admission is only applicable if the new application is for the same degree programme and there is a service in accordance with the BerlHZVO §10.
If you would like to apply for preferential admission: If you select “Yes”, you must upload the complete supporting documents in the field below.
Proof of preferential admission: Please upload the deferral notice from the last or penultimate semester AND the proof of service here.
Hardship application
Under special circumstances, you can submit a request for hardship, which will be considered in the application.
There are 3 types:
Application for immediate admission in cases of exceptional hardship
Application for compensation for grade
Application for compensation for disadvantage waiting period
Submit an application for immediate admission and/or for compensation for grade/waiting period: if you select “No”, you can proceed to the next section. If you select “Yes”, the following fields must be completed.
Upload application for hardship: The completed and signed application form must be uploaded here. Please read the application form carefully!
Below you have the option of selecting the type of application (multiple selection possible). Please note that each reason requires separate proof.
Hardship case (immediate admission for exceptional hardship)
Submit an application for immediate admission due to exceptional hardship:
If you select “Yes”, you must upload the complete supporting documents (expert opinion, medical certificate, etc.) in the following fields depending on the reason (Special health reasons or Other reasons).
Submit an application for compensation for disadvantages (grade):
If you select “Yes”, you must upload the full supporting documents (expert opinion, medical certificate, etc.) in the following fields depending on the reason (Special health reasons, Special family reasons, Other reasons).
Submit an application for compensation for disadvantages (waiting period):
If you select “Yes”, you must upload the complete supporting documents (expert opinion, medical certificate, etc.) in the following fields depending on the reason (Special health reasons, Special family reasons, Other reasons).
Academic degree
This must be confirmed in order to proceed with the application.
I have already studied at a university:
Within the EU (and in Germany) – please select this option if you have already been enrolled at a German or other university in the EU.
Only outside the EU – please select this option if you have already been enrolled at a university outside Germany and the EU.
No – please select this option if you have no previous study periods and continue with the next application point.
If you have studied both within and outside the EU, please only enter the details for your studies within the EU. This does not constitute withholding information.
Attention! Incorrect information (negligent or deliberate) may lead to your admission being withdrawn.
Course of study
I have studied or am currently enrolled at a German college/university: If you select “No”, proceed to the next field. If you select “Yes”, the following fields must be completed.
How many semesters have you completed in total during your studies? Please enter the total of all university semesters in which you were enrolled at (a) German university(ies) including the current semester if you are currently enrolled.
How many practical semesters have you completed in the course of your studies to date? Please enter the total of all semesters in which you have completed an internship, both compulsory internships and voluntary internships during your studies.
How many semesters did you spend at a preparatory college: Please state how many semesters you were enrolled at a preparatory college.
How many interruptions to your studies have you had so far: Please enter the number of semesters in which you were exmatriculated between study periods. Maternity and parental leave, childcare, other family reasons, internship in Germany, stay abroad (including internship abroad), voluntary service, employment, illness count as study interruptions.
How many semesters of leave have you taken in the course of your studies to date? Please indicate how many semesters of leave you have had in your course of study.
Information on discontinuation of studies or loss of examinations
Have you definitively failed individual modules in your previous degree programme? Please indicate whether this applies to you.
Information on successful completion of studies
Have you successfully completed a degree programme at a university? If you select “Yes”, the following fields must be completed.
Type of degree/form of study: Please select the option from the list that corresponds to your university degree.
Subject: Please select the option from the list that corresponds to your degree. If you cannot find the subject, please select a subject that is similar to your degree.
Exam date: Please enter the date of the final exam.
Overall grade: Please enter the overall grade of your degree as shown on your certificate.
State: Please select the state from the list in which you obtained your (last) university degree.
University: If you studied in Germany, please select your university from the list. If your university is abroad, please select “University abroad”.
Degree certificates: Please upload ALL pages (incl. cover page, back page) of your degree certificate as ONE PDF file. Incomplete documents may lead to exclusion from the procedure.
Recognition of academic achievements (higher semesters)
Transcripts of records: Please upload the “Transcripts of Records” from all previous universities. If you have not achieved any credits in your previous/current degree programme, you must upload the official document from the university(s) confirming this. As a rule, this is also a “Transcript of Records”, which simply states that no credits have been earned. Please contact the previous university(s) for this.
Final details
Please read and confirm the affidavit.
Please read the notes and confirm them.
The next page will take you to the summary of your application, where you can submit it.
Relevant FAQs
How do I apply for a degree programme that participates in Hochschulstart’s allocation of study places?
The Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) participates in the Dialogue-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) of the Foundation for University Admissions for most Bachelor’s degree programmes. Here you use the application system of the HWR Berlin for the application, the coordination of study places takes place via Hochschulstart.
The two Bachelor’s degree programmes International Business Management, International Management / Management International (German-French programme) as well as the dual, internal and Master’s degree programmes do NOT take part in the procedure.
Register on In addition to your user name and password, which you define yourself, you will receive an applicant identification number (BID) and an applicant authentication number (BAN). You will need the BID and BAN for the HWR Berlin application portal. If you have already registered with, please continue to use your existing BID and BAN.
Make a note of the following access data for the DoSV/Hochschulstart system:
BID: __________________ (also enter in S.A.M. Application)
BAN: _________________ (also enter in S.A.M. Application)
2. Register and apply on S.A.M. Application
Register on S.A.M. Application and select your password. Once your profile has been successfully activated, select your degree programme. After confirming the fields in the introduction, you will be taken to the Hochschulstart Verification tab. There you enter your BID and BAN and continue with your application. The online application can only be submitted with a valid BID and BAN. The application is created and submitted via S.A.M. Application. If you are applying for a second degree programme, please use the same BID and BAN. HWR Berlin allows three applications per applicant. Application documents must be submitted online. No documents need to be sent in by post for the application.
Please memorise the following access data for the HWR Berlin system:
Login/username (= your e-mail address): ________________
Password: ________________
3. Prioritise applications
Prioritise your submitted applications on If you want to study at the HWR Berlin, place your application for the HWR Berlin at the top of the list.
4. Accept study place
Admission offers, acceptance of offers and notifications are made via If you accept a study place offer or receive admission through the automatic allocation of places on Hochschulstart, the procedure is completed for you. Your other applications will be cancelled.
5. Matriculation
If we are able to grant you admission, the final acceptance of your study place and enrolment details will be provided on S.A.M. Application.
How do I edit my application after submitting it?
It is possible to edit an application after it has been submitted. The prerequisite for this is that the application has the status “received” or “in preparation“.
To get an overview of all applications, click on “Study programs”:
Status “in preparation”
If the application has the status “in preparation”, then the application has not yet been submitted and can be edited by clicking on the application.
Status “Received”
To edit the data of an application with the status “Received”, this application must first be withdrawn.
An application can be withdrawn through the “rubbish bin” next to the application. The application is then returned to the “In preparation” status and can then be edited as required.
Important! The application must be submitted again by the application deadline. If the application is not submitted on time, the application cannot be evaluated!
Editing an application in a different status
If the application is in a status other than “Received” or “In preparation”, the application can no longer be edited independently.
Do not withdraw the application!
If you notice any errors, please contact the processing department.
How do I reset my password?
You have the option of resetting your password to access the HWR Berlin application page yourself.
1. Go to “Sign in” on the start page.
2. Select “Forgot password”.
3. Enter the same e-mail address you used to register and click on “SEND“.
4. Open the e-mail from the HWR Berlin and click on the link contained therein.
5. Set a new password.
Error sources
Incorrect e-mail
Check carefully that your e-mail address is spelt correctly. Even small errors mean that you will not receive an e-mail and you will not be able to reset the password.
E-mail ends up in the spam folder
It is possible that your e-mail programme/provider automatically moves our e-mails to the spam folder or junk folder.
Please check these folders if you do not receive the e-mail.
For example, enter “HWR“, “password” or “reset” in the search bar of the folder or search the folder manually.
Normally, the automatic e-mails will reach you after a short time. In exceptional cases, however, it may take a few minutes for the e-mail to reach you.
Please wait a few minutes to see if the e-mail still arrives
Validity of the link
The link to reset the password is only valid for 24 hours. Please do not wait any longer after requesting the email, otherwise the reset may fail.
You can request a new link at any time.
The following image shows the error message that appears when a link expires:
How do I withdraw an application / How do I delete an application?
Whether and how an application can be deleted or withdrawn depends on the current status of the application.
To get an overview of all applications you have to click on “Study programs”:
Status: In preparation (Delete)
If an application has the status “in preparation” and has never been submitted, it can be deleted directly by clicking on the “rubbish bin”.
All data already entered for the application will be deleted.
If the application is to be used again after deletion, it must be completely recreated.
Please note: This is only possible until the application deadline.
Status: Received (Withdrawal with the option of resubmission)
If an application has the status “received” and you have noticed errors in your data, you can withdraw it by clicking on the “rubbish bin” and edit it again.
A resubmission is necessary if the application is to be considered. When withdrawing from the “Submitted” status, the data entered and documents uploaded are not deleted. The application is returned to the “In preparation” status and can continue to be processed until the application is resubmitted.
After withdrawal, the application will not be evaluated until it is submitted again by the applicant.
Please note: This is only possible until the application deadline.
Status: Review by administration, Valid, … (Final withdrawal)
If an application has the status “Valid”, it can be withdrawn by clicking on the “Rubbish bin”. This will result in the application being permanently deleted.
Status: Approved
If an application already has the status “Admitted”, it can no longer be withdrawn; if you wish to return your place, please send an e-mail to the Admissions Office.
How many applications can I submit to the HWR Berlin?
You can submit a maximum of 3 applications per application semester (reference semester) to the HWR Berlin.
You can withdraw or delete existing applications in order to submit further applications.
How to fulfill a requirement?
If any information and/or documents are missing from your application, you will be informed by e-mail and in the online application portal. The requirement must be met within the deadline by sending the required documents to the responsible person by e-mail (the form of transfer depends on the study programme on the form). You will find the contact details in your online application in the “Introduction” tab. In some cases (selected status and study programmes) you also can upload the document directly via the application form.
Existing conditions are signalled by this symbol
Once the requirement has been completed, you will receive another e-mail informing you of this and the requirement symbol in your online application will disappear.
You will receive more detailed information and the deadline after one click
Prioritisation of applications
It is possible to prioritise applications in the HWR Berlin application portal. To change the prioritisation of applications, you can change their order under “My applications”.
You can move the applications by “drag & drop“:
The application furthest to the left is the application with the highest prioritisation (priority 1). The subsequent applications (to the right) are prioritised 2 and 3:
Attention: Prioritisation on the mobile phone or tablet is from top to bottom! (Top is higher priority)
Please note that only submitted applications (with the status “received“) will be considered in the prioritisation process.
Applications with the status “in preparation” and “withdrawn” will not be considered as they have not been submitted.
If the application deadline for all applications has expired, the prioritisation can no longer be changed.
What are the consequences of the prioritisation I make on S.A.M. Application?
The consequences/effects vary depending on the degree programme.
Master’s application for degree programmes from Departement of Business of Economics.
Your second and third choice will only be considered if there is no sufficient number of applicants with a first choice in those programmes.
Master’s application for degree programmes from Departement 3, 4 and 5 (Master ISM, MANGO, RöV and IVR)
The order/prioritisation of applications has no effect on possible admissions. It has an informative character for the processing department in order to estimate the succession procedure for degree programmes with a ranking.
Master’s applications for degree programmes at Berlin Professional School:
The order/prioritisation of applications has no effect on possible admissions. It has an informative character for the processing department in order to plan the processing of applications in the rolling procedure and to be able to better estimate the succession procedure for degree programmes with a ranking.
Bachelor’s degree programmes that participate in the allocation of study places via DoSV/
The order/prioritisation of the application has no influence on the prioritisation of Please carry out the prioritisation on The HWR Berlin cannot see how you prioritise on Please consider the consequences of prioritisation in the DoSV (e.g. applications with a lower priority may be eliminated from the procedure if you have received an offer of admission for the application with a higher priority). Therefore, please check your prioritisation for these degree programmes in the DoSV.
What does the application status indicate? – Bachelor applications
The follow application status are used for application for Bachlor degree programmes.
In preparation
You can edit applications with this status as you wish and submit them by the application deadline. They will not be processed by the staff at this point. Submit your application so that it can be considered in the admission procedure.
Your application has been received online. As soon as it has been checked, the status will change. In some cases, this only happens after the application deadline.
Review by administration
Your application documents will be checked/processed and, if necessary, forwarded to the selection committees. Please be patient. If your application documents are incomplete, we will contact you.
Selective interview
You have been shortlisted to take part in the selection interview. You will receive further information about the date and procedure shortly.
Qualifying examination
For continuing education Master’s programmes: You must take an entrance examination. You will receive further information by e-mail.
Submit documents
With this status, you will be asked to submit additional documents or complete information. You will receive further information by e-mail.
Documents completed
You have submitted documents as part of your application. We will check these.
Your application will take part in the selection procedure.
You have been admitted to study at the HWR Berlin. Please note further information in the letter of admission as well as the deadlines for acceptance.
Please complete the enrolment application in S.A.M. Application within the specified deadline. Further information/documents for enrolment may also be requested there.
Unfortunately, your application for admission cannot be granted because you did not achieve a ranking in the selection procedure that would allow you to be admitted.
Preliminarily excluded
Your application had to be provisionally excluded. We have sent you an e-mail to the e-mail address registered in the application portal. This e-mail contains details of the reason for exclusion. If this reason is not resolved, your application will be definitively excluded for the admission procedure at the latest.
Your application has been excluded and will unfortunately not take part in the selection process. You have already received more detailed information about this by e-mail.
You have withdrawn your application and are no longer taking part in the procedure.
Offer accepted
You have accepted your study place. Your enrolment details/documents will now be checked. Please be patient and refrain from making enquiries. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
An admission offer automatically expires as soon as another university that you have prioritised higher releases its admission offers. As you therefore continue to have a preferred study option of your choice, you no longer have the option of withdrawing from the procedure of the lower-prioritised university.
Admission offer currently not possible
Unfortunately, your application is not yet included in the ranking lists for admission. However, this may change before the end of the coordination/admission phase. You will still take part in the selection procedure.
Admission offer exists
You have received an offer of admission. If you would like to study at the HWR Berlin, we recommend that you accept the offer as soon as possible. This offer is only valid for a limited period of time and expires automatically as soon as another university that you have prioritised higher releases its ranking lists.
Higher subject-specific semester
You have applied for a DoSV degree programme ( and provided information about your previous studies. You fulfil the requirements for the higher subject-related semester and are therefore no longer taking part in the procedure for the first subject-related semester. For this reason, your application to Hochschulstart has been provisionally excluded.
Deadline expired
You have been granted admission and had to confirm acceptance of your study place in the S.A.M. Application within the required time limit. As you did not meet the deadline, the admission has lapsed and the study place has been allocated elsewhere.
Why can I no longer log in after I have been accepted?
As soon as an applicant has accepted a study place, the application is checked one last time by the administration department.
From the point at which enrolment is authorised in the system, access to the application portal is automatically blocked and a student account is created.
If you are unable to continue to Submit application after completing & saving the entries after Final notes, it is because your entries are not complete.
You can recognize missing mandatory fields by the exclamation mark. Please check the fields marked with * in this tab. Please save each tab separately after changing or inserting data.
Provided that you have filled in all the mandatory fields in the form, you can click on “Next” and submit the application at the end.
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